Monday, October 12, 2015

Revenge comes with Karma?

Margo asked Q to take her to Publix and Wall-mart to buy her ingredients and materials for revenge against her boyfriend and two friends of her. They buy all the stuff and went to the house where her boyfriend was sleeping with a friend of Margo. Make a call to their parents to catch her with the boy in there. Later they got inside the house to take somethings and let a message, and took a picture of Margo's ex-boyfriend naked. Later went to  Margo's ex-boyfriend house which was a secure house because he is rich and throw a fish and break window and run away. At last at the house of a friend of Margo who did not tell her about her boyfriend. She and Q got a high active night doing revenge to those who deserve it.

Wow Margo is this character the same thing. Emily Thorne both are obsessed with revenge
and make plans to do revenge.

"I'M NOT PISSED AT YOU!' Margo shouted, and then punched the dashboard. (Green 43).

Margo and Q pass a hard time at the house because the father shoot a gun so he was a kind of crazy who shuts someone thinking is int their house. Returning to Margo her action for my point of view are bit of exaggerated she got the her revenge with her not more friend why she is mad she did everything right. Poor Q he is not for that life he is simple boy who likes a normal and calm life so also Margo actions with him should also address that  to respect him. Q talks a lot of Margo but we never actually see her motives or nothing just Q thinking. Every page Margo change her actions, more like a devil. Q does not know Margo not a bit.

Margo is the red devil we do not know her intentions never but someday she
will pay her crimes with society.
 When you say nasty things about people, you should never say the true ones... (Green 64).

I like this and think the author make an excellent use of words in the quote and illustrating this in real life. People always talk awful in the back of others but as humans that have respect we must never tell the truth of our intentions or thinking of that. When you talk wrong about someone in their back you are already hurting that person and telling the truth is worse. So just better lie rather that insulting that person. I relate this to karma I am a very scare person I do not like doing things that I am not supposed to because karma always makes a person pay.

At last I like this book it really good and also Green words in describing characters and scenes are great and makes you laugh of how he use them. Also the main themes I have seen until now are friendship and false perceptions of people of how Q saw Margo and how he meets the real her he got a big false perception of it. 

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