Monday, September 28, 2015

Weird Actions

Quentin was a boy who lives in Florida and he describes that his biggest miracle was to live beside her love Margo a mysterious girl who she was friend with him for little them just become neighbors where they lived. Q is an boy with an ordinary life and follows a daily life routine that seems the same. Later he talks with his friends that are Radar he is called like this because he loves computers and a T.V series. Later his friend Ben Q's best friend who is now as Bloody Ben for and infection he had. There is an prom and his friends are going but not him. That same night Margo enters Q's bedroom and asks him to lend her his car and that he drives him. They go and start doing the plan of Margo but first they have to buy things at Publix and Walmart. With the money Margo take out from her parents account.

This was my first impression of the novel by the
name it sound weird.

While in the novel they were introducing Ben, Q and him are talking about prom and other things while Ben tells Q that a girl in his bus ask him if he is Bloody Ben.

"Margo's best friend, started a rumor the real reason he had blood in his urine was due to chronic..." (13 Green).

I ask my myself a question about Margo. Q says she was a cute and fine girl, she is normal and good seems to what Q describes. But Q's description is right because it seems not for me or he might be right. People often get with friends that are like them or like the way they are. But Margo's best friend looks like a bad person inventing false rumors about Ben which until now he is get bother because of it. What if Margo is like that or she is good we might think she is like that because of what she is going to do by night with the help of Q.

While Q's friend and him where talking about the prom and the dates of it Green's particular choice of words made a perfect little characterization for Q and how he is.

"Getting you a date for prom is so hard that the hypothetical idea itself is actually used to cut diamonds" (Green 16).

Green's choice in describing Q and the characterization for him looks great. It shows what his friends think of him according to dates. Later how he uses the the metaphor about cutting diamonds like Q is diamond and he impossible to cut him him to connect him to another half diamond. Or just is that he is a diamond now because he loves Margo, and he cannot be cut down into two because he does not finds his other half.

This is Q the diamond his friend tell him he
is that he cannot be cut in half.

While this Margo, the metaphor
like when the tow are together they can get connected


At last I like the novel, Green created a great story with Q and how he is shy and everything to Margo while Margo is all different. Later I think what is going to happen next is that Margo is planning something I think is against someone maybe his boyfriend because he mention him or maybe her parents who know as Q said she is mystery like the Riddler only she is not a villain.

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