Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Choosing by Color not by taste

Q & Margo went to the Suntrust Building were they look at the city and Margo talks about a awful city and a paper town city. (Were the novel got the name). Then they go to get revenge on someone Q choose that was Chuck. Last they went into Seaworld, enter illegal to there. At last they went to their houses. Margo did not come to schools which Q saw normal because she sometimes was absent to school. Margo disappear and a detective interrogates Q if he knows where Margo is. He saw something on Margo's room and discovered she let clues to find her. Some people say she is in New York. But Q with some of the clues he is trying to answer is going to look for her. Q finds more clues about Margo and he is getting to know better Margo and discovering she is not the girl Q thought of. Then with all those clues Q, Ben & Radar start to look for Margo and understand her clues.

The clues Margo left for Q is just like the
same us a treasure map Q's treasure will be find by
completing all the clues
"...people would want to be around someone because they’re pretty. It’s like picking your breakfast cereals based on color instead of taste." (Green 147).

I like how Green use the quote to explain how Q likes Margo because she is beautiful. He does not even knows well Margo but he still likes her. He does not know her inside her actions the way she is. Q sees just the outside the first layer which by him means beauty but does not know  how her second layer is her actions and way of being, just like that cereal because of the color not because of taste. Taste is how Margo acts and is while the colors are how she looks.

What Q sees.

What Margo is in reality.

"I’ve lived here for eighteen years and I have never once in my life come across anyone who cares about anything that matters." (Green 74)
Margo is good at finding flaws and not good things in all people but she uses this a weapon for herself that she can find flaws on everyone, but so people do not tell her nothing she hide her flaws. Then also we can make an relationship to one of the themes that is a false perception, Q had a 2D way of seeing Margo, not the complete Margo just the half of her his false perception. People always thinks to know people well while they finally know they discover is differently. Last the things that people do wrong on and Margo identifies them are her own flaws. 
That little flaw no one sees in people.

Last I really enjoying this novel Green is making excellent use of characterization in his characters specially on Q and Margo even Margo does not appear her clues for m are her kind of characterization. Last another theme was added as which can be friendship does not always look what you think. 

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