Saturday, October 24, 2015


Q has more clues about were Margo could be by reading her clues and finding more of them. On the mini-mall Q finds even one more important clue as well in his house about Margo's location. He accidentally by doing somethings like throwing his pillow finds a clue and map, which Margo did not intend. In there was a map that showed many cities. But with a comment of anonymous person a which he thinks is Margo. So he is going on a trip New York to find Margo. But his friends are in the car waiting for him.  They finally get to the journey. Which is in the novel various chapter but its hours. Q has decided jobs for his three friends. Last they to New York and then  Algoe. Then they find Margo's car and finally her. They found that Margo did not intended in the reality for Q to find her. At last she offers Q if he wants to be with Margo travelling which he refuses. They got kissed and promise to keep in contact. The novel ends with Margo crying and Q kissing her. :(
John  Green!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am like this cat the end was disappointing you expect Margo and Q
to go again to Orlando and start a relation. :(

"Margo was not a miracle. She was not an adventure. She was not a fine and precious thing. She was a girl.” (Green 230).
In this quote from Paper Towns we can see the theme of  False Perceptions. Q sees Margo as one type of girl but he never really got to knew her well until that revenge night. After she left the school and got vanished. He discovers the true Margo. Then he realizes he got a false perception of her he got the completely wrong image of her it is not how he thought it will be, his imagination failed him. While Margo is Margo for herself. Also when Q discovered another new friend he had another vision of Margo. 

"I like the clues more than you" (Green 327) I liked how Radar and its nickname come with the reality. He is very good at seeing the truth of others he was the first one to discover the real Margo. But Q decided to ignore him. Green did great with this character because he can show us the great he is in finding the true and false of people. 

At last I finished the novel by John Green. Which I did enjoy a lot until the last part. Seriously always do not mostly like happy endings, in these one I hope a happy ending because it was really disappointing all those suspense created in the last part just only for Margo saying I am not coming back  and Q de3clining Margo's offer. I did really not like that.  

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