Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Revenge Matters?

Now that the Circle is bounded the members can do magic only if they are with other member and can make more magic if more members are, the six of them. For Faye is hard having no magic because she use every single day and moment magic. Then Sally is fine just with a cast o the feet, but she tells Cassie that she had some memories that she saw Faye with her look and then she was on the rocks. Cassie was on the Coffee Shop and Zachary a men that new her mother appeared. Then he start talking about her mother and that, finally he said to her that he knew she is a witch. Then he grabbed her and did not let her go, for luck Diana was there and help Cassie get away. On the abandon house the Cassie and Diana make a immediate reunion to talk about what happened. Sally talked to Cassie telling her that she had not sign up for any extras for the school, Cassie then sign up for helping the dance of tomorrow. Charles and Dawn discover that they bounded the circle so they decided to move quicker and to be beware of Zachary. Then Charles ask to Diana if she was fine because of what happened with Zachary, she tell her was all right but she ask why did he spend so much time with Dawn. Charles lied to her telling that they were dating. The five members went to the ball while Faye stayed to practice magic alone. Then Zachary came where Faye was and tried to kill her, he said that he cannot let that happened again just like 16 years ago: Faye could escape and ran to the ball. On the ball the feelings that Cassie has for Adam grow. Faye got there, and the 6 members start investigating Zachary. Charles goes to talk to Zachary to stop, while we discover that he had a girlfriend called Heather and it was friend with Cassie's mother. Then Zachary said the only way to stop them is to kill one of the members and was going to the ball to kill one of them. Melissa and Nick got a fight, then Faye goes and talk to him about treating her well because Melissa thinks they got a good relationship. Zachary gets to ball and tries to kill Cassie but the other members stop Zachary from killing Cassie. The group learns that Zachary wants revenge on them because her girlfriend died on the accident sixteen years ago, because of the fault of the parents. Charles and Dawn came and get Zachary, the members were save. Dawn and Charles take Zachary and make him a locator spell to know where he is, and threat him to kill him if get near to one of the members.
So the location spell is something like
a GPS to locate someone.

While Adam and Diana investigated what happened with Zachary in the student records they find that Header was Zachary's girlfriend and died the night of the accident sixteen years ago, Header died in the boat among other of the parents of the members of Circle.

"That's the fire that killed our parents, among the victims was Header".

"Header died too on the accident"

This sign in this city
should appear no new
"He is blaming on what happen to Header to our parents; but he is taking it down on us". (Smith 120)

So Zachary wants to avenge Heater's death, it was the fault of their parents. But as all people in movies and novels they want to avenge the death of a love one by killing a love one of them. Which is far ridiculously. Everyone wants revenge sometime but it is not even. So Zachary's actions are wrong because he is taken revenge even not with the killers of Heather, he is down with six innocent children who have nothing to do with them. So his actions are a bit dramatic in my opinion but you can't make someone suffer because you suffer. Yes the actions of last generation of the circle was wrong but does not mean that you need to have revenge.

While Diana and Faye talked about the circle and its limitations now. Diana send Adam to talk to Cassie if she is fine. While Adam and Cassie are talking are feeling stronger feelings about them. Faye tells Diana to be aware that she can loose Adam. But she does not care much.

"Seriously Diana you are two minutes away from loosing him".

"I rather keep safe the Circle and the town". (Smith 148).

Diana's actions confused me a little. So we know Diana she is the leader of the group, tried to help Cassie when she came here an to accept who she is. Also she is not like Faye selfish, she thinks in the Circle that's why I think she is good and care for others. Also she is accepting to give up Adam for the safe of the Circle and the town which is not selfish and sacrificing her happiness for the save of others. That is what confused me because sacrificing love and happiness for others is very weird.

At last for the next chapters I think that Cassie's Grandmother is not going to know nothing about the circle. Dawn and Charles are going to try to make possible the plan which I think is getting back magic for them while Adam and Diana will end their relation and start a new one as only friends. I think that Heather may not be death just missing because after the accident sixteen years ago it will not be nice to know it just did not kill one of the parents but also other people. Cassie will try to get more power because of what her mother told her.  

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