Thursday, July 23, 2015

Burried Plans

Cassie wake up, she was reading her mother's letter that said that the secret her mother hide from her put her in danger but the only thing that can keep herself safe is her power. On school Cassie make a new friend called Sally, which Faye did not like. While on Chemistry class Faye and Melissa start playing with their powers, they make the chemicals start boiling without fire. Then to bother Cassie they make the same thing to her. Cassie got mad and her testing tub broke as the same for Faye and a little fire started. Cassie run away: Adam follow him. Cassie told him that her power done that when she is mad that happens and they need to perform the ritual to control the power. Faye tries to convince Melissa and others that performing the ritual will stop the power and it will be controlled. Diana instead wants to bound the circle and sends Adam to convince Cassie, but Faye said to Diana that she will be more worried about loosing Adam as his boyfriend instead of bounding the circle. Cassie talk to Adam's father (Ethan) and he told him some things of her mother but Charlie came and stop. Charlie threat Ethan to kill him if he talked again of Cassie's mother. While Dawn receive the visit of his father-in-law (Henry). We discover that the last generation of witches, the last generation of the circle lost the powers. But Dawn and Charlie have some of magic because they have a crystal that give them magic, but the crystal contains some limit of magic. On the night there was a party, Faye try to convince Cassie to do magic again like yesterday making rain and obviously Cassie refuse. Then Sally came to talk with Cassie and Faye told her to go away, she did not go away and stayed. So Faye touch her with one finger and told her go away and she blow her to the rocks where she knocked. Dawn went to save the girl and use the crystal, Henry saw this. Sally was saved and revive by the crystal. The six members of the Circle Cassie, Adam, Melissa, Faye, Diana and Nick decided to bound the power so its controlled at midnight at the beach. Henry goes to the house of Dawn and orders her to give him the crystal, dawn denies and kills Henry. Also we discover that Charles is the father of Diana. On midnight the six members came and perform the ritual.

This is like the type of Crystal
Charles and Dawn use.

Other type of who can Dawn be
Lady Tremaine.

After her problem on the Chemistry class Adam takes her to secret house where the members practice the magic. While Adam tells him why they should bound the circle...

"Faye said it will link as together".

"Yes, it will limit our individual abilities but strength us a group; that way no one can have too much power". (Smith  72)

Cassie has a big problem of trust because of how is the circle that contains the six members. But the problem is that she does not know if she can trust them. Because Adam is so kind, good and innocent and always help her and sees as a good person as the same with Diana she told her the truth and tell her about the powers and everything. But she does not know if they are kind to her only for her to accept the bounding. While Faye and Melissa are bad, they too much don't care for her and have done her some bad things. Even thought she read her mother's letter that she was danger and the only thing that can keep her safe is her power. So she has a dilemma if she should trust the group that contains that different type of people or her mother.

What would be of Cassie
what will she choose.
The Dilemma.

After Dawn help Sally with the Crystal Charles goes mad to her because they only have one crystals with limited magic. They talk about it and became with a interesting quote.

"You use the crystal, you said we were not going to waste it"

"We don't kill innocent children" (Smith 90).

So now we know that they are planning to do something with the kids and maybe to have magic again. What seems wrong for me and I think why they act this way with their sons and daughters. Because they do not kill innocent children like Sally. But they are accepting to kill the sons of the present generation of the Circle and also are innocent just as Sally. But they might think because they are witches they have the right to kill them. So I wonder if they have children for love or they wanted them or they have the children for the dirty business.

Well I think in the next chapters we will discover the plan or how they think will get back the magic. Jane is going to discover Cassie or Dawn one of the two. Adam will start having more intense feelings for Cassie. Diana is going to try to control the group and they maybe will discover that biding the circle was not a good idea. Dawn and Charles will finish all the magic left on the crystal.
I present you to Charles.

In my thinking I think this
is Cassie, just like Alice curious etc.      

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