Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Right Thing

Melissa has now the demon after Heather died. She is acting very mysteriously and weird. Jane is is like weird with Cassie and she might know it because of what was the relation with her mother very confidential. Later Melissa tells Nick to help her find her book of shadows that is hidden on the woods because of the note she found hide from her mother. So Nick goes and help her to dig they found a big travelling bag that weight a lot. Melissa calls Cassie and Faye to help her break the spell in the lock. Cassie had dinner with her grandma that interrogated a lot to her and said that she expected her to be friends with Faye and Diana because her mother was friend of her mothers. Lastly she goes to help Melissa. Then Faye and Cassie see the bag that moved from the inside and ask Melissa what it is. They also called Adam and Diana to help them. After a while Melissa started to become more posses with the demon and was any more Melissa. Cassie decides to call her grandma for help, she then tells the truth to Jane and the two of them go to help them. Jane is a witch. The demon got out of Melissa and went to pass to Nick. The bag contained demons locked and The demon wanted to release them, Jane says that the only way to kill a demon is by drowning it or by burning it. They destroy all those demons. While Dawn and Charles are trying to locate the other five crystals with the red moon but they could not find them because the magic of the crystal was finished the plan they had with the circle was for them regain their magic again. Nick went and threat to kill Dawn if she did not help her, Dawn called to Charles to help her. Then Charles to get the demon out drown Nick but at the same time they killed Nick. Cassie discovered what happened sixteen years ago that the witch hunters try to make peace with the witches but was a tramp and the hunters set the boat on fire while some survive but some died Cassie saw an amulet that stop one of them to die she goes an looks for it. While Dawn and Charles know how to get their powers back but comes with a big price. Last the circle discovers the witch hunters are coming In here the novel ends I think it ended like this with an open ending for the sequel of the novel which it actually has one.

Seriously everyone believe that Melissa's mother hide the book
in something of this size.

This happens when Jane and Cassie are in the dinner and Jane thinks to tel her about her mother a bit
"Your mother keep a lot of things from me she didn't think I will understand you might feel the same way. When she was in trouble I did not see the signs. I never forgive myself" (Smith 224).

What I can really understand is the trust Cassie has to her friends and the circle while the circle is not her family. Later the trust she has on all of them even thought that Adam and Diana are good and always help her or beware of others. While Faye just uses her magic as if was a game like playing monopoly, and how she does not thinks of others. But she is loyal to them and trusts them considering that the actions of each individual are completely different. While on her house with her grandma she hides everything from her and does not have any confidence in talking her about anything. So then comes the theme of trust is Cassie confused on who to trust or she is stupid.

After Dawn and Charles killed the demon they get in the car to hide and talk about what they did while Charles feels regret Dawn is thankful she did not die. 

"It was the right thing to do".
"There is nothing right about that I killed a boy, a child. That is something that will never feel right".
"You save my life, thank you".
"But the price was the life of a child" (Smith 276-277)

So finally Charles is feeling bad what he is doing about the pain he is causing himself. To get what he wants he is crossing lines he does not respect life or child. They before said we don't kill innocent children. But now they still do it. Charles is feeling regret and sorrow. While Dawn was not like happy but was thankful she did not died but Nick did. So my question is how this two can live a normal live after their crimes to get what they need. they need to sacrifice the lives of others for fulfilling their own desires and wishes it is right. 

This Charles trying to drown the demon
but how demons die that way they
are not supposed to be immortal.


This are Dawn's actions she does not feel
wrong or cares for her actions
she just act to get what she wants
like Lady Tremaine with Cinderella. 

Last I liked the Novel it hold it secrets but it went to slow telling the story and some parts did get bored. The ending was good but it ended in climax in my opinion we can't know what is going to happen at last it hide things but it left open for the second novel. In theory I liked the book. The theme was trust and friendship because the novel is mostly about Cassie and her things with the circle. My dears readers and followers this the last time I write a blog of this novel. Hope you see me again.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Not what it Seems

So my predictions were true Header was alive but in a status of freeze she could not move or talk etc. Zachary last night had said that what Cassie's mother (Amelia) had done to Heather was worse than death. So Adam and Cassie on the morning went to the house of Heather's brother, then they learn she was like paralyzed, and Cassie told her "sorry" and she react and grab Cassie's hand. Heather's brother did not know what happened she had never done something like, then Adam and Cassie left. Every family of witches has a book a shadows the only available was Diana's book but Cassie had found the book that belong to her family. In there they saw the spell Amelia used. Later Adam and 

Being like this like
Header not comfortable.

Cassie were doing the potion to undo the spell and that Heather tells them what happen that night. Diana came and ask what they were doing she stop them and forbid them to break the spell. Then Faye decides to help her if Cassie let her see the book and Cassie accept. They go to the house of Header and try to undo it but it did not work. Later Header woke up and went directly to Cassie's house. Header explained to Cassie that were there is witches there can come some demons, and a demon had got inside her and her mother do that spell to help her stop the pain and to help her. Did not explain nothing about what happened 16 years ago. Diana explained Adam why she did not want to break the spell, because the sign Header had on the hand was a sign of demons. Header got fainted and woke up again but not us Header like a demon. She attacked Cassie then Faye. Nick at next door saw this and went running to help them with Melissa. Then Heather comes out of the house running and a car walk over her and killed her. Demons as Diana said can be trapped in insects or snakes. A weird insect like a slug came out of Heather and went to Melissa and it enter on her. Cassie discovers her mother did not do something bad instead it was good because it helped Heather.
This might had been Header in her attack.

While Adam and Cassie talked about Header. Cassie told Adam her mother could not do something like this because the mother she knew could not me capable of doing something like that. Then they found a way undo what her mother had done. I make a connection.

"Adam you saw her, if there is something we can do to help her we have too". (Smith 177)

When Cassie said this particular quote I thought of myself. Because she wanted to help her because of something wrong her mother had done. Because she wanted to undo what she did because that was wrong and wanted to know the truth about what happen. I connect this to my life because when I do something wrong I feel bad, miserable and want to do it better or help them. So I connect Cassie’s emotion of that moment to my emotions sometimes when you made a mistake and want to undo it. Even sometimes I feel like Cassie that she is worried about what her mother had done to Header. 

Diana told to Adam to not help Cassie undoing the spell because she thought it was dangerous, so Adam accept and stop helping Cassie. Then Cassie all furious start looking for a way to do it until Faye came and offer her help. 

"I thought you needed help".

"You are going to help me?"

"Sure, if you let me read your book" (Smith 186).

My question is why every person is like even in a book there are those type of people who always help other people but by a price they can do anything free. They have always to ask something in return. Why Faye is even like that to her she would had never to ask Cassie something in return after all the bad things she had done to the people and to her. Faye has a serious attitude problem because she owns Cassie that now she can control her powers and more. But no she can accept what is wrong with her and the problems she has with them. To conclude Faye is a girl with some serious problems in my way of seeing she is a witch but does not mean she owe many to Cassie and to accept that she has problems, and for God's sake stop asking things in return. 

My next blog is going to be last one I made for this novel. So the last I expect to be the best of the novel like the juicy part of a fruit even I do not like fruits. Well on the last part i think the members will do again what happen 16 years ago. Last I want to talk about the theme of the novel and I think is TRUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!